
Welcome to my blog!

Hello and welcome to my new food blog! A little trip down memory lane about me and blogging. I've had a food blog ever since 2009, but a) never really seemed to find enough interest to study how to make it look good enough, or b) post regularly, or c) learn how take beautiful photographs (not that it was a big deal back in -09, but it is now). Because of that, the blog turned quickly into a personal recipe collection, only with the really great recipes I actually wanted to be able to repeat. The commercialisation of the blog industry has made me lose some of the interest for reading food blogs. How does one know which recipes actually work? Surely not all the food bloggers find new great recipes each week? If they do, I'm jealous. I usually find only a couple of "keepers" each YEAR. This fall my new fave food has been the caesar salad. Pretty basic? Sure, but for some reason, I never made the sauce before. And it's dead simple. And a crowd pleaser. Everyone